Some cruise ships' construction costs rival entire cities. Are you ready for a once-in-a-lifetime trip with amenities you never thought were possible to find.
Some designers have ambitious dreams. It makes us wonder what they were thinking when they came up with these car designs. Let's look at some of the weirdest cars ever made.
The history of the automobile is repleat with interesting designs and ideas. From Gremlins, to cars that look like dung beetles—these are some of the weirdest, and sometimes coolest, cars ever made.
Sylvester Stallone is turning heads both on-screen and about town. The man built himself up from humble beginnings to become a megastar and iconic hero. His penchant for exclusive cars isn't as well known as his legendary roles, but it definitely reflects his bold personality
Speedcars, sports cars, and all the cars you see on roads all had a common channel—paper, prototype, test, then release. The AMC went through most of those steps but never got to release. Here’s the story.
The first Jeep Trucks were released during WWII as Allied forces sought rugged and versatile vehicles. What became of them after the war, and how did they become this relevant today?
Luxury cars are often thought of as being out-of-reach for most of us, but thanks to the best-rated luxury cars of 2023, car manufacturers this year are taking notes. What will your next luxury-inspired vehicle be?