September 27, 2024 | Jesse Singer

22 Things To Avoid Doing With Your Car

Car Care

They might sound like a good idea. But for the sake of your vehicle—and the other people on the road—please stop doing these things to, and in, your car right now!

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Stop Ignoring Rust

Who cares, it's just a little discoloration right? Wrong! Like the iceberg that took down the Titanic, the little bit of rust you see above the surface is usually indicative of much more below. Dealing with it as soon as it pops up can save you a lot of problems and money in the future.

A woman shows rust on a car door from winter reagents.Yanya, Shutterstock

Stop Maxing Out Your Tire Pressure

Is it true that inflating your tires to the max pressure will get you better mileage? Maybe. But is it also true that it will mean a rougher ride, longer stopping distances, more wear on your tires faster, and increased wear and tear on your suspension, thus leading to expensive repairs? Probably. A slightly better mileage ain't worth all that.

Hand car mechanic holding car tire pressure check equipment tool.Eakrin Rasadonyindee, Shutterstock

Stop Using The Wrong Coolant/Antifreeze

Check your manual for the recommended coolant and use that one. Using other kinds or mixing various ones together is just asking for trouble from your water pump, radiator, heater pipes, and core.

Woman pouring blue antifreeze liquid for car windshield screen washing with bootle watering canVoyagerix, Shutterstock

Stop Using The Wrong Oil

Just like with the coolant, using the wrong oil can cause some unwanted—and expensive—problems.

The mechanic is pouring oil into the engine.mpohodzhay, Shutterstock

Stop Mixing Up your Brake Fluid And Your Power Steering Fluid

Yes, we all know they aren't the same thing. But unfortunately, the containers often look alike. Just make sure you know which one you're pouring into which. Fixing this mistake will be expensive.

Technician inspect car power steering oil for engine compartment.Rito Succeed, Shutterstock

Stop Using "Universal" Fluid

It sure sounds good, universal power steering and transmission fluids that work in any car make or model. However, ask those car makers and they'll tell you it ain't true. There is so much variety when it comes to the different requirements of the makes and models that something truly "universal" just isn't possible. So, don't use it.

Replacing the fluid in the car's power steering systemVenn-Photo, Shutterstock

Stop Using "Universal Fit" Wheels

Notice a pattern? When it comes to "universal", we would recommend going to Universal Studios not using anything "universal" on your car. When it comes to your tires, yes, you can get "universal" ones, but they require shims and "make it fit" bolt patterns which aren't things you want associated with four of the most important items on your vehicle.

Customer examining brand and product characteristics while buying new tires in auto department of dealership.Hryshchyshen Serhii, Shutterstock

Stop Testing The Alternator By Disconnecting The Battery Cable

Old-time car guys will tell you about how they used to disconnect the battery cable while the engine was running to see if the alternator was still working. It's a cool hack that used to work....about 60 years ago—before cars had computers in them.  

Male hand, disconnecting the terminals from the car battery.SHARKstock, Shutterstock

Stop Testing The Alternator By Disconnecting The Battery Cable

Starting in the 1970s, cars have had at least some kind of computer in them—and these days they are filled with them. Why does this matter? Well, disconnecting the battery cable while the engine is running causes a huge voltage spike that can pretty much instantly destroy the computers and electronic systems.

Professional car mechanic repair service and checking car engine by Diagnostics Software computer.BigPixel Photo, Shutterstock

Stop Pressure Washing The Engine

This is another one that applies mostly to modern vehicles. And by "modern" we mean any car with computers and electronics. There's a reason your engine has a hood on it to protect it from the rain (among other things).

Washing the car engine under strong water pressure.Iuliia Berezhna, Shutterstock

Stop Pressure Washing The Engine

Would you ever spray your computer or electronics with high pressure water? So why would you do that to your engine when that pressure strength can pretty easily power through the various rubber seals and protections and get right up into the electronics. If you really want to degrease the engine, use a simple garden hose. Just keep those high-pressure sprayers away from it.  

Cleaning the engine compartment.ninaveter, Shutterstock

Stop Driving When The Oil Light Is On

While you might find a few people who will say it's ok to drive a few miles, even a few hundred miles, with the oil light on, most people who know, will tell you the correct number of miles you can drive in that situation is....0.

Oil pressure warning light illuminated on dashboard.virgmos, Shutterstock

Stop Driving When The Oil Light Is On

Driving with low oil can ruin your engine. Topping off your oil is a lot cheaper than fixing an engine. So, pull over and check it right away. And that leads nicely into our next one.

Troubled young woman near broken automobile in countrysideGustavo Fring, Pexels

Stop Using Headphones

We've all seen how people walking down the street with headphones in can lose awareness of their surroundings and bump into people or things. Now imagine that it was a car instead of a person!

Photo of Man Wearing Headphones on the street.Alvaro Matzumura, Pexels

Stop Using Headphones

If you have to have a headphone in one ear to answer phone calls, that's obviously better than holding the phone up to your ear. But these days, most cars have the option to connect your phone via Bluetooth to your car speakers, and there are devices that can retrofit a Bluetooth connection through the car radio on older vehicles.

Man with wireless headphones driving a car.Stenko Vlad, Shutterstock

Stop Ignoring The Dipstick

Just because you get regular oil changes doesn't mean you can ignore it the rest of the time. Every now and then, just open the hood and check that dipstick. This will catch any leaks early, allow you to top it off when needed, and avoid that dreaded oil coming on light as well. Three birds, one stone.

Person Holding a Yellow DipstickGustavo Fring, Pexels

Stop Driving With Your Seat Far Back

Of course you want to be comfortable and you don't want to be crunched up against the steering wheel. But if you're too far back, it makes it hard to reach the pedals with your full foot and the full force needed. You can also find yourself a little too far back from the various light, windshield wiper and display controls as well.

Woman driving a car.Gustavo Fring, Pexels

Stop Driving With Less Than A Quarter Tank Of Gas

Unlike the oil light, when your fuel gauge hits a quarter of a tank, you don't have to cancel all your plans and beeline it to the nearest gas station. But, you probably should head over and fill it up the next chance you get. Yes, you can drive with low gas sometimes and even get close to empty in some situations. But try to keep those situations to a minimum. Why?

A close up of a fuel gauge showing a quarter full fuel tank in a car, gasoline consumptionWirestock Creators, Shutterstock

Stop Driving With Less Than A Quarter Tank Of Gas

On most cars, the electric fuel pump is placed inside the fuel tank in order to allow for the gas to keep it cool. However, when your gas is low, that cooling effect is lost. Also, the lower you get, the more likely it is that the pump starts sucking up particles from the bottom of the tank, which can cause its own problems.

An Upset Man Looking at His Broken CarMART PRODUCTION, Pexels

Stop Washing Your Car With Dishwashing Detergent

It's not called "car washing" detergent for a reason. You know how all those commercials for dishwashing detergent brag about how the product attacks and breaks up oil and grease? Well, does that sound like something you would want to do to the paint on your car?

Person Washing a Car with SpongeKarolina Kaboompics, Pexels

Stop Washing Your Car With Dishwashing Detergent

Car paints, coats, and waxes are all designed to help maintain the quality of the paint job and have special UV protection as well. When you use dishwasher detergent on your car, it works to break down those waxes and protections, thus leaving your paint more susceptible to those harsh sun rays and all the other elements as well.

Photo of Man Cleaning His CarSleepi Alleyne, Pexels

Stop Washing Your Car On Sunny Days

Even if you're using proper car wash soap, washing your vehicle on a bright, hot, sunny day isn't a great idea. First off, your car will be hot to the touch which is never fun when you're rubbing it down and leaning over it. But then there are the little drops of water that magnify the sun's hot rays, thus amplifying and speeding up any sun damage that will naturally take place over time.

Happy young couple washing car at backyard on sunny dayNew Africa, Shutterstock

Stop Smoking While Pumping Gas

Do we even need to mention this one? Well, we guess it's better safe than sorry, right?

Crop man refueling sports car in gas stationErik Mclean, Pexels

Stop Driving Barefoot

It might not seem obvious, but when you're barefoot, or just wearing socks, you often can't apply the same amount of pressure down on the pedals. Which can be a big deal when you have to accelerate quickly—or more importantly, break hard.

Drive Barefoot, the feet of a woman driving barefootParkin Srihawong, Shutterstock

Stop Putting Your Feet Up While Driving

This is another one we didn't think we'd have to mention. But then we saw a report from back in 2017 that said three percent of American drivers admitted to putting their feet on the dashboard or out the window while driving with cruise control. Don't be one of those three percent!

Close up of woman's dirty feet on dashboardKOTOIMAGES, Shutterstock

Stop Eating A Meal

Notice we didn't just say "eating". Eating a little something isn't terrible (as long as it doesn't keep you from getting a good solid grip on the wheel). However, chowing down on a full meal with a hamburger, some fries and a drink, well, that's a bigger issue.

Person in Brown Long Sleeve Shirt Driving and EatingDarya Sannikova, Pexels

Stop Eating A Meal

Not only does gripping the wheel become less of a priority over your food, the distraction level is also ramped up a few notches—and even more notches if you're dipping your fries in ketchup or eating something messy that can drip on you, causing you to take your eyes off the road even more.

Woman's hand, holding burger and coffee while driving.Doucefleur, Shutterstock

Stop Getting Busy

If it was just about possibly getting caught by the police, then we'd say, go for it and try and find a very discreet location to park. But it isn't just about that.

A Romantic Couple Sitting on the CarVlada Karpovich, Pexels

Stop Getting Busy

One study found that 33 percent of men and nine percent of women who they polled had participated in some sort of "fun times" while driving. Talk about distracted driving.

A Romantic Couple Sitting on the CarVlada Karpovich, Pexels

Stop Doing Your Makeup

Either do it before you leave the house or wait until you're parked (not stopped at a stop light!).

Woman driving in car , doing makeupHave a nice day Photo, Shutterstock



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